Goods and materials

Things we need for our children’s village

Just as a regular household Bioh Village needs certain goods and materials or the money to buy them with. Some of our needs are huge, others small. Some are one time ones; others are on going. English children’s books; creativity materials.

You can help out with the following:

We need ON-GOING SPONSORSHIP for the household and the education of the children in addition to the school fees that parents pay. We hope you are able to pledge for one or more years to pay for the yearly costs of a child, being only 200 US dollars a year.

Furthermore we need: Light (solar system preferrable); A water pump (solar powered); School supplies(books, computers etc.); General household goods and appliances (kitchen, dormitories, living room);Medical equipment; A second school bus (many children come from other villages); Paint for the building; The construction of surrounding cottages; Farming equipment and materials; Fencing for the compound; Sporting equipment; Musical instruments; Creativity materials.

Please donate financially or get in touch if you can help out with any of these items.